I've actually been in the forums for some time (four months? I think) but never made a lounge post til now lel.
Anyways, I'm skittles...lol... uh... I actually don't use skittles outside the interwebs for obvious reasons. I'm from Davao in the PH and the only other person I know who also goes to the forums that I've met IRL is Jammy. I think.
Got into Wangan Midnight through MaxiTune back in December after my friend gave me a Bana as a Christmas gift but realized my liking for cars midway during my engineering and after I watched Inital D for the lulz. I like boxy cars, Reina's R, and not really into curvy cars like that R35 you're driving. Basically I see a Trueno, I drool over it, especially on the 4A-GE box engine. But a Lancer EX (the old one) is fine too. My driving is still ???? level though. I use mainly the 32 and the Trueno just because DAGUMI :^))) and also because it's cute.
I've read basically whatever chapters are online and translated and watched the live action movie. No decent subs exist for anime tho, the one I found had the end cut for some reason.
Also I have no license IRL. Because I keep forgetting to apply for one. Maybe if I pass my board lel.
So yes. Ohio go say mass.