Good Afternoon WME!
Today will mark the day that the Wangan Midnight radio will be launched. Times are still set for 7:00PM, Pacific Standard Time. The radio will run till 11:00 PM and may go a little longer pending on how the first four hours run.
The request hour will be converted into a regular hour of music. I dont know if members simply did not understand the process or just did not care about it. I will go over it again. Starting on every Monday of the week the radio will be played, a request announcement will be made. To make requests, all the member must do is comment the announcement and make the request for a song. Only one request may be made a week and the limit of the songs we are putting are 15. This process is the most simple for us and its nice to have the show have a little bit of music taste from the members. I hope that next week, we will have a little more participation for it.
For those who have never used a streaming radio, most audio player programs can play it. A few to list are Winamp, VLC, and ITunes. The link to the station is provided in the announcement.
Lastly, I will also have a Skype confernence going on sometime in the night. I may broadcast that as well. The name for my Skype account is "AkioAsakuraZ". I will provide more info on that in the show. Since a lot of you voted for it, I expect to see a lot of members tuning in. That number will decide how many times we will put the radio show on in the future. If we see a large audience and a strong reaction to it, we will put it up more frequently, if not, expect it to be on less.
-Radio Address-
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