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Post your random thoughts. 3D, we got IMAX 3D BRO!!!
Dare |
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Of me being me.
Anyone who knows me will tell you what kind if person i am, and the only ones who'd say i'm cold are those who havent taken the time to get to know me, and only look at whats on the surface
Kenzz |
i wanan b da berry best
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Tried Uberstrike online, its so full of hackers. so bad... it had potential.
Crap, I forgot to draw, Will draw now.
[ Post merged on Nov 16 2014, 04:08 AM ]
QUOTE (Stavingo @ Today, 9:58 PM) | Yeah I think I'm just bad at the game |
@bad at fighting games but more stronger than kenzz in battles with outsmarts-skills? with only 3 months of exp? and kenzz had 6 years? @dude, u have hidden potential for fighting games then.
Let me explain about fighting games.
Tekken is more on: Strategy, Slow Paced or Fast paced depending on the gameplay meta, Combos, and lots of technical stuff. Hard to master, but fun when done, easy to play for beginners until they realize its a deeper game. Hard to master but can be played in many levels, from 50-50, patience, or rush down. or half half. Accessible to all ages. The older the more expierence and highier tier plays it can get. It's really a big learning curve and its fun and its more slower and patient than SF or DOA. Hard to play, Hard to master, games very tough for beginners, but when mastered its easier and people will realize why tekken is the most superior in comp. towards SF. which still.... nope.
DOA: Strategy now( since doa5) Pacing is always same, Combos are essential like most games, Reversals kinda a thing. It's kinda actually alright, I'm planning to do a kasumi combo and theory for maximum damage and strategie youtube video but i need to buy a videogame recorder first. dang. and a new HDD.
SF: Accessible for all ages. Easy to play, fast paced, hard to master. Same combos, same meta. Footsies movement game (tekken has that but all to a whole new level) Oh wait, its a 2D game in a 3D world. Over 10 thousand editions. lol Formulas everywhere goddam same shit all over. Very salty game compared to tekken which is more inner rage game
I hate this series even more because Tekken 7 became converted into SF format even more now.
DOA:D DOA5 are my alternatives to tekken.
Stavy, get good or get rekt'd is the hardest way of telling u to get better in f ighting games.
or... learn tutorials online.
Kenzz |
i wanan b da berry best
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I'm gonna rewrite one of my fantasy projects again, its gonna be real good. Only issue is my English is bad. lol screw it, if ppl can read it whogivesafluck
Good as in. Multiple themes, life issues, philosphy, destiny, fate all that bs.
Bad as in. I'm using it as a trading card game heroes saves the world and all that crazy story. Too deep feels, might be compared as overdramatic like Evangelion. Need to be animated, I need to get animation skills. Because no one gonna read a serious book.
Manga is bad coz i can't draw.
I drew some character's within the year gonna upload here soon.
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