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Search up Youtube Red on Google, looks like they're trying to get their hands on our money again...
Or if you're too lazy, apparently this thing is called "Youtube Red" and we now have PAY just to skip ads?? This article can explain this easier than I can: click here mate
And it says that all the Youtube stars must sign this, or all of their videos will vanish apparently...
All the features that we get with this we can already do with stuff like AdBlock and Youtube to Mp3/4, why should we have to pay $10 a month to gain access to crud we already have? If you ask me this is total bull s**t
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Here's a reading material for this kind of case. The article states that it'd be a win-win situation for everyone, but don't know if it's really true...
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QUOTE (Stavingo @ Today, 11:02 AM)
if they did that then it'd be pretty annoying af
but that's just turning people away y'know, may as well get apple music/spotify whatever if you wanna listen to music lol
i used to use spotify all the time but i can't stand the ads like every few songs. there used to be a third party ad blocker (it'd basically just mute spotify when ads were playing) but they figured it out and it doesn't work on new versions...
if im paying i might as well just go buy the cd's lmao. i don't really believe in paying for something you don't own.