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Where are you located? Country? Continent? City? Whichever you'd like. Tell us about your favorite spots (don't need to name names if you'd prefer not to), and if you're more keen toward the touge or the expressway?
I personally favor both about the same. There was a popular backroad spot me and the gang from high school used to hit but has since had residential buildings developed, and is now patrolled by police. The highways are always a safe haven but on weekends, I try and shoot for early morning to avoid the people coming home from bars. (I live near a big city) -Southern U.S.A. resident here.
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Maryland USA, resident of the north east, I'm just outside of the Washington D.C. area.
I'm a road course guy, so I'd say I'm definitely a touge/backroads person, but not a drifter. In turn, as far as Japanese hashiriya culture goes, I'm much more partial to the expressways, due to the C1 Loop in Tokyo and Kanjo racers in Osaka being close counterparts to the circuits. I love Japanese touges, but any activity that still resides today is primarily drifting and though I appreciate it, it's not my thing.
This post has been edited by MaikazeFD3S on Feb 10 2016, 11:09 AM
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Right on. Drifting isn't exactly my thing either, although it's fun. I'm not one for a track environment though. I'm very much more into the Street side of things. Hope to hear from more of you!
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Croatia, right next to Italy. I like watching hill climb, I would say that's the closest we have to touge? I like to ride on those kinds of roads with my bike, but I do get a rush just by ramping it up on the city expressway at night as well.
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I just like driving the way it is, when i was working in the capital i drove on the expressway a lot, actually not sure if it can be called as one :lol: whatever i guess it can cause we pay's the toll, but after resigned and back to hometown no such roads exist (expressway that is). also since become a NEET, now i don't really go out as much, because of the crazy traffic jams and going out in cars is the last thing you want to do. :(
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I'm from the US, Hawaii.
I want to say I am active in the car scene, but I'm not. Well not as much as before anyway. Where I live there's no track, the motoring laws are ridiculous and there's a lot of hate. Aside from car meets, shows and illegal racing activity there isn't too big a scene here.