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Hakone thread
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QUOTE (fknazn @ Today at 11:08 PM) | Breaking in hakone is a very very powerful tool when ur learning the course and tryin to get faster times...
Ud prob only break many of the yellow turns and red turns...but deciding when to break and when to let off the breaks and then acell - or just let off the breaks, is entirely situational...
My suggestion for u to get faster times, is
A) line practising (crucial for entry/exit speeds and minimise sliding)
Gear training - when to use which gear for which areas or break the habbit of CONSTANTLY shifting to 3rd in a 5spd and 4th in a 6spd C) NOT hitting walls D) Watch a couple of TA's and try to figure out how they get fast times, even if its just .5 second per trial...
Just be crucial of ur lines, cuz i LOVE to slide around, but its poor for time attacks, so its mostly disipline for me to remain on the TA line... |
brake not break... lol =P
walltap! been doing that recently... much more consistent now...=)
MagixMan |
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QUOTE (Death_B2KSJ @ Today at 12:21 AM) | how come I cant use my car in TA, well I do machine TA. Is there a way for me to use my s30z setup on TA? |
You should've asked in the PLAYERS, OLD AND NEW, ASK QUESTIONS HERE-thread. [start offtopic] After reading some of your post, it sounds like you're still a novice in this game. Carefull not to give false info 'bout ex. set-ups that you haven't tried yet to new/advanced members. Don't jump in a thread her'n there and post/tell people that "this" is great and "that" is good. All is based on experience and facts. [/end offtopic] Anyways, if you start a TA, be sure not to select the Official Machine, but the other one (I forgot which one that was). Now you can TA with your own car MagixMan
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QUOTE (fknazn @ Today at 12:10 AM) | hahah..my bad..
My brains messed up atm...too many assignments lol
How do u walltap on Hakone?!
Walltap on the entry or exit? |
you only ever walltap when you enter a corner.. =P
QUOTE (Death_B2KSJ @ Today at 12:21 AM) | how come I cant use my car in TA, well I do machine TA. Is there a way for me to use my s30z setup on TA? |
cant use your car in TA?
what you on about? just go personal best...
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QUOTE (Death_B2KSJ @ Today at 12:41 AM) | lol actually Im not really that much of a novice. its just that I didn bother with TA and auras last time. as well as a few other things. Anyways... thanks for the tips.
O and Hakone IB is somehow shorter than Hakone OB, I found out by lik 100m. lol I wonder why. I think it is the ending circle, as OB has a larger U-turn. |
does the length matter... they're two different courses... pretty sure the start/end points are slightly off each other too...
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