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Hakone thread
RayoK |
WME King Tiger
Group: Advanced Members
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cause r35 is big and hard to turn? for me getting 4.35ish is not that hard the problem is hit 1 time there goes my entire timing and especially my IB is no fail in hitting just that WHERE only rofl... then when the course goes into OB, in front IB already lag behind so far when i start my OB im like bout 3sec behind even if OB comes off clean always come in 4.39ish... only reason i can still come in before 4.40 despite all the bangs is cause of my OB and that has been the freaking problem that I JUST ALWAYS BANG AT THE SNAKES HEADON effectively cutting me down fast. oh and i noticed since our god talks bout 1h steer i think i'll just testify for it, yes, it works at least for me been doing it ever since mt2 my OB is always 1h steer 1h shift(god hand any1  ) though IB is unable to for me... it gives u the upmost confidence to hit the corners full in no brakes no reserve and for that its the only reason u'll ever go faster. they say IB is easier than OB but i just cant understand why to me IB and OB are like polar opposites equaviliant to c1 and wangan line... OB works like a breeze  IB a ride through hell
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