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Hakone thread
Dare |
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QUOTE (Dizzi @ Today at 5:43 AM) | Well I think it's all about players preference.
Cause if you look at FD3S video, he stays in 4th pretty much all the race except for one corner he goes from 5th to 4th (CP4 yellow corner). You can choose if you go in 5th gear on CP2 red turn and on CP3 straight cause stayin in 4th doesn't make much difference. |
its highly likely that FD3S vid was taken by BDDEE ya know. xD
bddee, what gear does jimmy stick to when using a 6 gear car (preferably supra, but i can work around others)
Dizzi |
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QUOTE (Dare @ Today at 6:57 AM) | its highly likely that FD3S vid was taken by BDDEE ya know. xD
bddee, what gear does jimmy stick to when using a 6 gear car (preferably supra, but i can work around others) |
I'm not talking about Jimmy's video. I'm talking about the japanese player FD3S. EDIT : http://youtube.com/watch?v=OT7QN6-qhK4 the video i'm talking about. I'll admit I was wrong about the fact that you only have to shift 3-4 time on Inbound but you don't need to shift more than 8-9 times. This post has been edited by Dizzi on May 26 2008, 07:42 AM
xeoreg |
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QUOTE (raven111 @ May 26 2008, 03:00 AM) | I'd like to see that.
Also, for learning shifting/footwork, I suggest paying some attention to the smallest dial in the HUD during someone's Hakone vid (I think it's the Boost Guage). I noticed it's constant when you're gassing, drops when you stop, and goes nuts when you pump. |
I had some free time so I did the video for fun, since my friend was willing to record it don't expect some uber 1337 times, this was my first time using the cosmo...LOL auto is just...so bad compared to manual =o= Hakone IB with AUTOMATIC Cosmo, 2'31'076....F**King dumspring http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcJP6MtNrKw
Geo |
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pretty much after you learn the basics of the course, you can do it right, and with practice, well, it makes perfect, i once beat a 800hp r34 with my 600hp R2. man, i hate hakone...
Kenji |
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QUOTE (xKRN_evox @ Yesterday at 7:43 AM) | Word up! I'm a R34 user, PINK R34 FTW! But, whenever somebody challenges me on Hakone, I hit every wall and lose by like 600m. I can never get this map right. I'm gonna try it with a Evo8 though. |
Master the course, by "saving" the whole course in your brain or you can try master the course using an E8 first. Then when you're using your R34, take every corner 10~15 km/h slower than your E8 cornering speed. If you're a few cm from the wall but didn't hit, that means you're fast enough, if you leave a huge gap from the wall, that means you can go faster at the corner and if you wall tapped, that means you're too fast. Remember to countersteer early too, R34 isn't as forgiving as the E8. If you didn't go desperate and start to hit the walls and you're a good blocker/rammer then you'll be able to win the race.
Geo |
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QUOTE (zgod @ Today at 3:41 AM) | does n e one use the other player to help you turn faster? and btw this is the only course i race on ever!!!! |
you mean, running into the other person so you ride them? not exactly faster, but at least more fun
Geo |
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QUOTE (JKP @ Today at 12:48 AM) | hmm for now im having a hard time mastering the steering control needed for this course.. because what i see in the vids when they use a 5 gear car they just contantly shift 4th and 5th gear and for a 6 gear car they just go for 5th and 6th gear.. hmm even in red turns how is this so?? |
basically you really need to know when to brake and when to lay off the throttle. in one of xeo's evo8 runs, he only shifts gear like 4 or 5 times?
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