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Hakone thread
Kiaku |
Wangan Noob Zai
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QUOTE (Kungfool @ 1 hour, 30 minutes ago) | same here...
i used to go gear 6 at those places where they go to 6 during ta from youtubes...but nowadays i try not to as there is one more thing to think abt and the speed isn't that much difference...
the thing is that if u are using a rotary with 6 gears (eg. RX8)...it will emit a high pitch sound...and if u are using the namco meter...it will be blinking...which can be rather irritating at times == |
yeah, I agree pretty much everything.
to be honest, when I first started MT, I suck at hakone, I learned hakone from =ISR= 26' hakone inbound vid.
then now, it's my fav course.
I had struggle with OB when DX first came out but then slowly learn from a 34 Hakone vid on youtube which is this one.
then I'm ok with ob.
but to be honest, I still suck at this course in terms of times xD
This post has been edited by Kiaku on Jun 18 2009, 04:21 AM
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