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Hakone thread
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♥Team Bunny♥
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In old days of mt3 which is still in use in the UK!?!? Because they don't have dx... People liked hakone to pretend to be pro, but you guys were correct in saying if you could beat the ai ghosts by around 1000m, you were pretty decent at it... I still use this as a way to see if i have improved... I usually set around 1100m to 115xm. Still need to improve on hakone, its the red corners... I just can't seem to get a high enough speed out... and i always manage to hit the wall, at some point...
Does anyone know what's the maximum for beating an ai ghost? My friend once did a 12xxm
With regards to gears, i think for 6 speed cars (mine = E8), you're mostly hitting 4th or 5th gears and (6th gear like 2 times), whilst for 5 speed cars (FD & GC8) it's mostly 3rd and 4th gears...
With regards to hp, i don't know which i would really choose, I always seem to choose 740 because when i battle, it's always boost on and i normally do better in corners than my opponent because i use their line and stay behind them and take them in the corner.. But i practise with 760 to know the course better and practise throttle control, and know what happens when i crash on certain parts...
My 2 cents!
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heres my suggestion...just me...im noob like you maybe more noob than you
C1 i would use 720 New belt, depends, 720-800 is range, depend on C or C-C Yoko, is like 740 to 825 wangan , same as yoko, really depends which route u choose, since it can cut into NBL C1 Yoko Nagoya, TA 780, but somehow a lot ppl use 760 in battle Osaka, same as Nagoya 780 TA and 760 battle Hakone, 760 is fine, if u wanna be extreme,,,try 825 XD
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If you want to learn Hakone, start playing it at 800 and learn how to turn without hitting walls and learn the line. Then you can move down to 780 and since you did all that practise not hitting walls, you can adapt a faster line and burn through.
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